The AccuTEST-SL is our Performance Model.
The SL comes complete, ready for valve testing out of the box and works on all valve sizes. The AccuTEST-SL is suited for applications where the system is used primarily in the shop and for those with price constraints but can serve as your general purpose in-line test system.
- Handles all valve sizes
- General-purpose in-line test system

Which model is right for you? Download our free comparison guide.

In-Line Testing
In-line testing of safety valves is a growing trend. It presents a cost-effective maintenance alternative for plant operators and a growth opportunity for valve service companies.

Advanced Software
AccuTEST Systems utilize the most advanced software in the industry, making everything about your valve testing process easier – setup, operations, results, and reports.

Accurate Results
Our high level of accuracy is achieved through our calibration process – automatically detect, fault check, and zero the sensors before operation.

Service & Support
Experience first-class, technical support, anytime, anywhere, from our talented engineer specialists.
Talk with an expert.
You can rely on our unsurpassed products, customer support, problem resolution, and extensive on-site training.